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赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

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10月7日,2018环亚女子马球公开赛暨1003 ROSE POLO CUP女子马球玫瑰杯在亚洲最大的马球俱乐部——天津环亚国际马球会隆重举办。本次赛事荟聚了全球精英女性马球手,呈现了一场专业性极强的国际女子马球比赛。这是一场国际马球文化交流的盛宴。女子马球赛事结合艺术与珠宝,为观众带来极具观赏性质的全新体验,完美打造了精英女性时尚生活方式。

The Metropolitan Ladies Cup 2018 Pro-Am and China 1003 Rose Polo Cupwas successfully held on October 7 at the Tianjin Metropolitan Polo Club. The tournament gathered international elite female polo players who put on a world class polo match. The event combined arts and fine jewelry and introduced a brand new viewing experience to the spectator while introducing a new elite female lifestyle.

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

1003 Rose Polo Cup 赛事理念

本次赛事由天津环亚国际马球会与1003 Polo共同打造的1003环亚女子马球学校隆重推出,旨在打造专业女子马球IP赛事,搭建中国和世界女子马球文化的桥梁,推广中国女子马球文化。通过女子马球IP赛事影响更多的新精英女性参与到这项运动中来。

The tournament is co-hosted by the Tianjin Metropolitan Polo Club and 1003 Polo School in an effort to produce a professional women’s polo IP tournament. Furthermore, the tournament aims at establishing a bridge between across different cultures and to promote the Chinese lady’s polo culture, as well as encouraging more Chinese female elites to join the sport of polo.

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕



The opening ceremony of the tournament was led by the Metropolitan Pony Club. GM of the Tianjin Metropolitan Polo Club Mr. Domenico Polumbo and the Secretary of the Secretary of Tianjin Women and Children’s Development Foundation Mr. Huang Chunhua gave speeches wishing for the success of the tournament. Mr. Huang also tossed the ball to kick start the tournament.

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

本次参赛的四支队伍分别是:I DO 1003 Polo Team、INTREPIDA Polo Team、EB Communications Polo Team、Shangri-La Polo Team这些女性马球手分别来自中国、阿根廷、英国、美国、加拿大、德国、迪拜等地赛场上拼劲十足、勇敢果断的女子马球手们私底下都是美貌与气质出众的精英女子,马背上的每一滴汗水成就了她们的美丽与自信。她们赛场上的英姿和赛场下的柔美形成强烈反差,这是女子马球比赛相较其他马球赛事最大的亮点。

The four teams at the tournament are: I Do 1003 Polo Team, INTREPIDA Polo Team、EB Communications Polo Team、and Shangri-La Polo Team. Players came from around the world representing China, Argentina, UK, US, Canada, Germany and Dubai. The contrast of their sprit on the field and their elegance after the tournament is a highlight of this tournament.

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕


赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕

赛场聚焦全球精英女性马球手,1003 ROSE POLO CUP 圆满落幕


比赛伊始,来自北京的I Do 1003 Polo Team与 来自香港的INTREPIDA Polo Team比分一直不分高下,双方领队Paris Luo和Jackie Wang在赛场上均有精彩表现。I DO 1003 Polo Team 领队罗斌与队员Rebecca配合默契,严防死守等待时机,漂亮的组织进攻让比分反超,最终I DO 1003 Polo Team赢得了本次比赛的冠军



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